Latest News & Worship Information

 March 9-16

Scripture this week: Matthew 5:21-26

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Upcoming at FBC: 

Remember — To make sure your event is added to the eLink calendar, please make sure dates and times are sent to the office no later than Wednesday of each week

SUNDAY, March 9
Small Groups for Children & Adults @ 8:45 am
Coffee & Conversation in Barker Hall @ 9:45 am
Worship @ 10 am
Coffee & Conversation in Barker Hall @ 11 am
Small Groups for Adults: Pathfinders & Koinonia @ 11:15 am
Childcare available during classes – please contact Nathan Jennings if needed.
Zoom Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Matthew 5:21-26 (Zoom)

Monday, March 10
ABWM @ 1:30 pm
Facilities Mtg @ 7:00 pm

Homework & Quiet Time
@ 3:30 pm

LOGOS @ 4:15 pm
Vesper Service @ 5:15 pm
Adult Small Group @ 5:40 pm
Choir Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm

THURSDAY, March 13
Board Mtg @ 7:00 pm

SATURDAY, March 15
Private Event @ 7:30 am

SUNDAY, March 16  
Small Groups for Children & Adults @ 8:45 am
Choir Rehearsal @ 9:30 am
Coffee & Conversation in Barker Hall @ 9:45 am
Worship @ 10 am
Coffee & Conversation in Barker Hall @ 11 am
Small Groups for Adults: Pathfinders & Koinonia @ 11:15 am
Childcare available during classes – please contact Nathan Jennings if needed.
Private Event @ 1:00 pm
Zoom Bible Study @ 7:00 pm Matthew 5:27-32 (Zoom)


Ministry & Events:

ABWM Meeting Monday March 10 @ 1:30 pm
Please join us as we will be viewing a mission video from one of our mission partners.  Becky Strack is leading our devotional and Beth Markwood is making dessert.

Trivia Night at Lake Springfield Baptist Camp March 15 at 6:30 pm
Join us March 15th at Chatham Baptist Church for a fun night of holiday-themed trivia to support the Kim’s Kids Scholarship Fund!
1500 E Walnut St, Chatham, IL
Doors Open: 6:30 PM | Trivia Starts: 7:00 PM
$20 per person

Don’t miss out on 10 rounds of holiday trivia, fun prizes, and friendly competition—all for a great cause!
Sign up now—spots are filling fast!

Card Request for encouragement and support:
Wendi Ayers is organizing a card drive for her sister Becca, who has been in the hospital and is receiving care for an ongoing medical issue.  The intention is to let her know how much she is loved and cared about, encouraging her in this journey of wellness.  
If you would like to send a card of encouragement, it may be sent to Wendi and Becca Ayers, 514 S Evans, Bloomington, IL 61701


FBC Trivia Night April 26th 6:30-8:30
Trivia night is coming soon! the sign up will be available soon so be ready to sign up as an individual or a team.  More details to come


Through The Bible Spending Time with Jesus in 2025
The reading schedule is adapted for 2025 from one created by Bob Rognlien*, and is meant to be part of a slow, prayerful devotional every Monday through Saturday.  With a daily reading of around 10-15 verses at a time, it is paced to give space to reflect on Jesus’ words and actions and how they connect to our lives today. Click here to learn more






ABC-GRR: February Newsletter
Read the Mainstream for information on the region and upcoming events.

Supporting the Ministry Together: 



      • Sugar Creek Family Fun Night
        Come join the fun and chaos of the PTO Sugar Creek Family Fun Night on March 15th from 4-6 pm. There are a variety of activities that will need volunteers – Bouncy Houses, Basket Silent Auction, Welcome Table, Arts and Crafts – to name a few. If interested, please let Becky Strack know at or 309.212.5911 by March 12th


Contact Us: 

Office Hours
Mon. -Thurs.– 9 am -1:30 pm.; Fri: 9 am – 11 am

Office Phone – (309)-662-4253
Church Office: 309-662-4253
Pastor Brian:
LOGOS Director:
Vespers Coordinator & Praise Team Leader:

Through The Bible – Spending Time with Jesus in 2025 

For 2025, our FBC family and friends are invited into a journey together through the Gospels to draw closer to Jesus and listen for how the Spirit leads us to respond.
The reading schedule is adapted for 2025 from one created by Bob Rognlien*, and is meant to be part of a slow, prayerful devotional every Monday through Saturday.  With a daily reading of around 10-15 verses at a time, it is paced to give space to reflect on Jesus’ words and actions and how they connect to our lives today.
Some suggestions for your devotional time:
  • Set aside 15-30 minutes a day around the same time each day (if possible) – the best thing is not to rush it.  The goal is not to ‘get through’ the readings like an assignment, but to spend time with Jesus and listen for what God is saying to us. 
  • Begin and end with a simple prayer; for God’s Spirit to guide us as we read, to be sensitive to the presence of Christ with us in the Spirit’s power, and to be responsive to God’s invitation to follow Jesus in what we hear that day. 
  • You may wish to use a translation other than what you are most used to.  This will help us hear scripture in a fresh way and to avoid ‘skipping over’ familiar passages. 
  • If it helps, the length of the readings are perfect for practicing the Lectio Divina method of reading scripture OR for using Bible tools like a commentary to help with questions and other insights. 
  • If you journal; you may find it helpful to write down your questions: what does this mean / why did Jesus do or say that?   And your insights and connections you notice with other parts of the Bible – particularly back to the Old Testament.  Likewise if you sense God calling you to apply the scripture or respond in a specific way. 
For those who would prefer to read through the whole Bible again, the 2025 reading schedule can be found here:

Wednesday Ministry at First Baptist Church

Wednesday Evening Schedule 
3:30 pm- 4:20 pm Optional Homework/ Quiet Time for students 
4:20 pm LOGOS program begins for Children / youth
5:15 pm Vespers Service for all ages
5:40 pm   Adult Small Groups
     * Jazz Class – studying ‘Women of the New Testament’  Led by Ashley Benton
    * ‘Teach your Children Well-Led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings (11  Sessions)
     * Finding our way around the Bible -Led by Pastor Brian (6 Sessions)
6:10 pm Share Meal for everyone (Please RSVP in the narthex the Sun  before)
7:00 pm LOGOS Dismissal, time for rehearsal meetings


Women in the New Testament – Curriculum by Lynn Cohick, Led by Allison Benton and Ashley Benton

Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? Is the story of Martha of Bethany about homemaking? Were the women in Jesus’s genealogy all sexual sinners? Was Junia an apostle or not?

Each session examines an aspect of the social and cultural world of the New Testament and explores a biblical woman’s story in relation to her context. The course looks at marriage, at motherhood, at discipleship, at patronage, at teaching, and at leadership as New Testament women live out their callings before God and in the Christian community.

‘Teach Your Children Well’ – Curriculum by Sarah Cowen Johnson, led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings  (11 sessions)

How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?  In this course, Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children’s faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.  Filled with exercises and activities for families to do together, this course is an essential resource for discipling children with confidence and creativity.

Finding our way around the Bible – led by Pastor Brian (6 sessions)

This group is for the curious, new believers, and anyone interested in building their core understanding of what the Bible is, finding our way around it, and ways to grow in our understanding and application.  From how we got the Bible, how it is put together, the differences in translations, and how to use study tools; this group is part of a larger series on ‘Faith 101’.

New Sunday Morning Small Groups

Our Sunday morning schedule will include new opportunities for all ages  with the launch of two new classes before worship in addition to the ongoing adult classes following worship.  We will provide childcare as needed, please confirm with Nathan Jennings, so that we can make appropriate arrangements. 
Sunday Morning: 8:45-9:45am (before worship)
Adult Class – Canoeing the Mountains
This new class will begin with a video curriculum by Tod Bolsinger, author of ‘Canoeing the Mountains’.  The class will foster learning and discussion on navigating Christian life and community in the midst of change.   The initial class will run until the Easter Season and will potentially have occasional breaks.  Senior High School Students are welcome to join the discussion.   
Children’s Class
This will be a small group session for grades 1-8, to include a time of learning and a recreational time before the start of worship.  Full schedule and lessons are being determined by the leader(s).  If you are interested in being part of the leadership rotation for this class, please reach out to Nathan Jennings or Michelle Wiggins
Sunday Morning: 11:15 – 12:15am (following worship)
Pathfinders Class
The “Koinonia” Small Group is composed of working and retired friends. The word “koinonia” is defined as “fellowship, sharing in common, communion with other believers, with Jesus Christ”. Our studies include published study materials, books, and other references—selected collectively through our group discussions, with shared leadership within Koinonia. We all participate in fellowship with each other and invite guests to join us for numerous social activities and gatherings, in addition to our Sunday Class study. All are welcome in Koinonia and loved!  
Koinonia Class
The Pathfinders class consists primarily of senior adults who meet regularly on Sunday morning to discuss material explored in the Formations Study Guide based on selected Bible passages from the New Revised Standard Version.  The passages and commentary are designed to reflect Christian reactions and applications to life in the 21st Century.  The lively discussions are led by individuals who are also members of the class