First Baptist Church of Bloomington is one of 5,200 congregations (with over 1.3 million members!) of American Baptist Churches USA that share – with more than 42 million Baptists around the world – a common tradition begun in the early 17th century. That tradition has emphasized:
We are committed to the Bible as the divinely-inspired word of God, to the local church, to mission, to service, and to evangelism. Read more.
The following are representative of the tradition and practice of American Baptists:
Click Here for further information on each of these facts.
American Baptists organize from the local church upward; we are united in Christ, and partner with each other out of shared values, a shared mission and the conviction that we can accomplish more together than by ourselves.
We are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers Region, and our commitment to each other is described in this covenant document.
If you would like to learn more about the American Baptist tradition – and how we live out these practices at First Baptist Church of Bloomington – please contact our Pastor at