Meet the Staff

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

We are blessed with a talented, dedicated, enthusiastic, tireless, and Spirit-led staff at First Baptist Church of Bloomington. As a church, we offer them prayers for insight, wisdom, and direction as they lead us in worship and in our ongoing faith journey.

Our pastors are great examples of people who love the Lord our God, study and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ, and provide compassionate care to our congregation and guests. Our musical staff have dedicated years of their lives to praising God’s name through singing, playing, and leading in worship. And if you come into or call the church office, you’ll be greeted in a warm manner with an obvious desire to help you in whatever way she can.

We invite you to “get to know’em”!

Pastoral Staff

  • Pastor Brian Hastings Senior Pastor

    Brian’s earliest memories of church are of playing with red cardboard bricks in the preschool class at a Baptist church in Quincy, Illinois.  What stuck with him was the sense of welcome and caring he received from the people who invested themselves in the church.  It was that same love of God - lived out in day-to-day life - that helped make the Gospel real to him as he grew up at the First Baptist Church of Moline, Illinois, where he was baptized as a youth and given opportunities to serve and grow.  This led to an exploration of his

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Worship and Ministry Staff

  • Dr Sharon Huff Choir Director

    Dr. Sharon (Sharie) Huff is well known to the FBC family with her long history of participation in the life of the church and leadership in music. Music is a deeply held value of hers, not only as a historically important expression of worship, but as a focal point that brings people together in community. She received her bachelors’ degree at ISU, and a Masters Degree in Music and Doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Illinois, Urbana. She has taught and led music throughout her career in many different contexts and working with people of all ages. Likewise,

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  • Diane Russell Organist & LOGOS Accompanist

    Diane received an Associates in Respiratory Therapy from Parkland College and a Bachelor of Music Education from Illinois Wesleyan University (primary instrument: pipe organ). She received a Masters of Music from Illinois State University while accompanying the University Chorus, Women's Choir, and vocal students on the piano, harpsichord, and the pipe organ. She has worked as a respiratory therapist, a music teacher in public schools, a private piano teacher, and a church musician. She continues to maintain a piano studio in her home with several students. She previously served as a substitute teacher in the public schools and continues to work

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  • Michelle Wiggins LOGOS Director and Visual Arts Coordinator

    Michelle is a graduate of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale where she received her Bachelors in Theater with a focus in Technical Theater. She is a professional stage manager, but has also worked some years as a carpenter, costume stitcher, prop artist, and theater electrician. Work has taken her to different places, including theaters in Illinois, Minnesota, and New Hampshire. Michelle grew up in a Christian family and, though faith in God has always been part of her life, the church has not. After moving and not finding a church to fit into, Michelle lost that section of her life. Later deciding that she needed to

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  • Allison Benton Praise Team Leader / Vespers Coordinator

    Allison Benton is a graduate of Greenville University with a degree in Worship Arts.  She has always had a passion for music, especially in church. When she is not singing she is usually watching a new tv show with her sister or playing with her cat Fleur.  As a member who grew up in First Baptist Church and has contributed to the the church in many ways through her life, we are excited along with her that she is once again joining the ministry at FBC!

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Administration & Support Staff

  • Jania Lattimore Administrative Assistant

    Jania Lattimore joined the First Baptist ministry team in the summer of 2018, bringing her enthusiasm, office skills and ability to work with a wide range of people to create a hospitable environment to those coming by the church throughout the week.  Jania has been invaluable as FBC works to communicate effectively with the church and community about our mission and ministry. In past positions, Jania has really enjoyed being able to teach people new things.  She is a connector, connecting people with resources or things that they might need.  She also enjoys challenges; researching and learning new ideas to

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  • Deborah Stumm Financial Secretary

    Debbie is an important part of the First Baptist Church family, having grown up in the church and using her many gifts in different facets of our ministry. An ISU graduate with a degree in Office Administration, Debbie serves as the Financial Secretary for both First Baptist and First Christian Churches. She also sings in the choir and helps with the children's ministry at FBC through our LOGOS program, sharing children's messages in worship, and recording videos during the Covid pandemic.

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  • Jeremiah Kamara Custodian

    Jeremiah is a long-time Bloomington resident who has worked in a variety of roles, including  his present work as a building service-worker at Illinois State University, where he has been for the past ten years. Jeremiah and his wife Helen have three children, and are active in their home church.

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