

Wednesday Ministry at First Baptist Church

Wednesday Evening Schedule 
3:30 pm- 4:20 pm Optional Homework/ Quiet Time for students 
4:20 pm LOGOS program begins for Children / youth
5:15 pm Vespers Service for all ages
5:40 pm   Adult Small Groups
     * Jazz Class – studying ‘Women of the New Testament’  Led by Ashley Benton
    * ‘Teach your Children Well-Led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings (11  Sessions)
     * Finding our way around the Bible -Led by Pastor Brian (6 Sessions)
6:10 pm Share Meal for everyone (Please RSVP in the narthex the Sun  before)
7:00 pm LOGOS Dismissal, time for rehearsal meetings


Women in the New Testament – Curriculum by Lynn Cohick, Led by Allison Benton and Ashley Benton

Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? Is the story of Martha of Bethany about homemaking? Were the women in Jesus’s genealogy all sexual sinners? Was Junia an apostle or not?

Each session examines an aspect of the social and cultural world of the New Testament and explores a biblical woman’s story in relation to her context. The course looks at marriage, at motherhood, at discipleship, at patronage, at teaching, and at leadership as New Testament women live out their callings before God and in the Christian community.

‘Teach Your Children Well’ – Curriculum by Sarah Cowen Johnson, led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings  (11 sessions)

How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?  In this course, Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children’s faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.  Filled with exercises and activities for families to do together, this course is an essential resource for discipling children with confidence and creativity.

Finding our way around the Bible – led by Pastor Brian (6 sessions)

This group is for the curious, new believers, and anyone interested in building their core understanding of what the Bible is, finding our way around it, and ways to grow in our understanding and application.  From how we got the Bible, how it is put together, the differences in translations, and how to use study tools; this group is part of a larger series on ‘Faith 101’.