Latest News & Worship Information

September 22-28

Scripture this week:  Mark 7:24-37

(Click to join live stream)​



Upcoming at FBC: 

Remember — To make sure your event is added to the eLink calendar, please make sure dates and times are sent to the office no later than Wednesday of each week


MONDAY, September 16
LOGOS Informative Mtg. @ 5:00 pm
Ukulele Jam @ 5:15 pm
Boo Crew Planning Meeting @ 6:30 pm

TUESDAY, September 17
Connecting the community Mtg. @ 6:00 pm
Worship Committee @ 7:00 pm

WEDNESDAY, September 18
Vespers @ 5:45 pm

SUNDAY, September 22
Choir Rehearsal @ 9:15 am
Coffee & Convo @ 9:30 & 11 am
Worship Service @ 10:00 am
FBC Small Groups @ 11:15 am
Safe Harbor @ 5:00 pm
Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Mark 7:24-37  (Zoom)

MONDAY, September 23
Ukulele Jam @ 5:15 pm
Fiber Arts Group @ 6:00 pm

WEDNESDAY, September 25
LOGOS @ 3;30 pm
Vespers @ 5:45 pm
Bell Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm

FRIDAY, September 27
Celebration of Life -Herb Butterworth @ 1:30 pm

SUNDAY, September 29
Bells Rehearsal @ 9:30 am
Coffee & Convo @ 9:30 & 11 am
Worship Service @ 10:00 am
FBC Small Groups @ 11:15 am
Sunday Lunch Bunch
@ 11:15 am

Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Mark 9:38-41 (Zoom)



Ministry & Events: 

LOGOS is Back Sept 25 @ 4:00 pm***optional homework time @ 3:30 pm
Come and join in ministry for all ages!! ALL are welcome to join Wednesdays There will be Tutoring and Reading, LOGOS, The Vespers service, Dinner, and the Star Literacy If you’re feeling called to volunteer on a Wednesday night, in any of the ministries, or would like more information, feel free to contact Michelle, the LOGOS Director, at Michelle or 618-303-3630

Sunday Lunch Bunch Sunday September 29th @ 11:15 am
Everyone is welcome to Join a small group to have lunch at the local restaurant of the group’s choice.  Meet Joyce and Jan in Barker Hall after worship. 

World Mission Offering Throughout the Month of September
“Were not our hearts burning within us?” Luke 32:22
In September, you will have the opportunity to support ABC-USA International Ministries. You can pray for the ABC-USA International Ministries Global Servants from the daily prayer list available. FBC is currently offering sustainable support to Jon and Amanda Good and Carmella Jones of the Europe, the Middle East and Liberia Area and Katie and Taku of East and South Asia Area. FBC has a long history of generously supporting this annual offering.

Why support International Ministries? Gifts to the General Fund are needed for resources like the website, awareness-building, mission education, WMO resources, finance and donor services, and home office support. It covers expenses for the work of mobilizing the next generation of global servants, building relationships between global servants, international partners, and mission supporters.
How are gifts used?

   · 85% Program expenses
· 10% Administrative support and fees
· 5% Development and fundraising

Offering envelopes will be available on the table in the back of sanctuary as well on the table in the hallway underneath the Missions bulletin board. The daily prayer list is available on the table as well. Thank you for considering this special offering

Prayer List

Week One             Week Two             Week Three                Week Four


The BIG Give 2024
Once again, the Mission Committee will be collecting food items for Home Sweet Home Ministries Thanksgiving food drive. This year we will be collecting items September 15 to October 13. Once again HSHM, Midwest Foodbank and Thrivent have partnered with Hy-Vee for special pricing options by the case for the requested food items. Turkey cards are also available to purchase in advance at Hy-Vee registers. Just request to purchase when you arrive at check-out. Hy-Vee will also accept orders online; just leave the message HOLD FOR BIG GIVE in the comments section.
Let’s see how many meals FBC can provide again this year for families in the community!

Click here for The Big Give Shopping List

Read Through the Bible
On the last Sunday of each month, we will have a 6 pm (Zoom) check-in to discuss the readings, your observations and questions. Don’t forget to send in your questions to






Supporting the Ministry Together: 



Sugar Creek family Play Day September 26 @ 5:30 pm
Come join Sugar Creek families on the school’s playground! Thursday September 26th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm the school will be celebrating fall with food trucks, games, and of course enjoying the company of each other. No rsvp required, just come!


Contact Us: 

Office Hours
Mon. -Thurs.– 9 am -1:30 pm.; Fri: 9 am – 11 am

Office Phone – (309)-662-4253
Church Office: 309-662-4253
Pastor Brian:
LOGOS Director:
Vespers Coordinator & Praise Team Leader:

Wednesdays at First Baptist Church – Starting September 25!

3:30 pm- 4:20 pm Optional Homework/ Quiet Time for students 
4:20 pm LOGOS program begins for Children / youth
5:15 pm Vespers Service for all ages

5:40 pm   Adult Small Groups

     * Jazz Class-Led by Ashley Benton
     * ‘Teach your Children Well’-Led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings (11 Sessions)
     * Finding our way around the Bible
Led by Pastor Brian (6 Sessions)

6:10 pm Share Meal for everyone (Please RSVP in the narthex the Sunday before
7:00 pm LOGOS Dismissal, time for rehearsal meetings