What is the Biennial Mission Summit? It is the national gathering of American Baptists from across the US and Puerto Rico held every two years. After being on each coast, this year’s summit is back in the Midwest in Omaha NE from July 3rd – 6th. It is at events like this that the diversity within our denomination can really be appreciated among the Pastors, leaders, and church members in attendance. Activities include large worship services, small group workshops and sessions, an exhibit hall, and business pertaining to American Baptists.
As a member in good standing in the Great Rivers Region our church is allotted 7 delegates who can represent and vote at the summit. The Board recently affirmed Pastor Brian and Cheri Grizzard as two of our official delegates.
The Board is encouraging other members to attend if they so desire. If you have an interest in attending, please contact Pastor Brian. More information about the event (and pictures from 2023) can be found here and here
The Church Board